Was the skepticism of the renowned world leaders who doubted peaceful existence of a diverse India justified? Is unity in diversity practically attainable? Or is it that in such a diverse nation people waste there time in marking out their boundaries getting threatened of others. These thoughts preoccupy me while I think that why some policies that were so simple to implement were stalled and why is the nation dormant when it has the potential to do so much.
Is it the insecurity which comes in the way?
Today, most of the leading political parties may it be the big banners like the BJP and the CONGRESS or may it be the regional parties like the SP and the BSP. All of them at some point of time have used this fear of the people of losing their identities as there step to success. The only difference is that some of them do it quite openly while others do it under a sheath. Today, instead of guiding their strategies towards forging a strong India, political parties instead target the fears of the people. And by mentioning the fears, I don't mean they are always communal in nature. when the last time i saw congress win in the general elections, was it for the fine rule of the past in which most of the times they were unable to accomplish there five year plans, or was it that the number of unemployed people in the country had increased so much that if they were offered jobs through NREGA to assuage there fears of remaining unemployed, which managed a victory for INC. I don't say that NREGA has not helped people. But, couldn't the same motto be achieved by educating people and make them better skilled workers so that they could have become self sufficient to get jobs. The main problem is that somehow for the vote bank the government prefers the more quicker way of satisfying people than the one which is more sustainable.
Today, reservation has become another such tool of placating the fears of people. I am not against reservation. But, I am against the way of awarding reservations to people who do not need it to prove their individuality in the society and use it as an incentive. Equality as mentioned in the constitution of India is a fundamental right to which every Indian is entitled .It would be a great achievement for the country, the day when a pure status quo is established. But do you think that till such a system of reservations exist a condition of an equal India will ever be achieved.
Today state centered reservations also exist in educational institutions. Why is it so? Are the Indians of some other state foreign to other state. Why is it that the states fight for resources? Didn't those resources eventually belong to India. Why has there arisen hostility between states that they can't even share water. Are these fears not affecting our interests in a lethal way. APJ Abdul Kalam said that there would be prosperity in India if the youth channelize it's energy in a constructive way. Does their exist a direction to that way with such fears of existence linger in every mind? Will the waters of Brahmaputra be ever able to satisfy the droughts of Rajasthan or will they continue to flood Assam. Will the states made for an easy governance of the country change to countries? The answer is with you. The choice is yours whether to fear from the ones' who are equally feared of you or join hands and make others' fear.
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